[fonts] opensansreg = Sarabun:Regular:size=7.5 opensanssemibold = Sarabun:SemiBold:size=7.5 opensansbold = Sarabun:Bold:size=7.5 opensansboldhigh = Sarabun:Bold:size=11 opensansital = Sarabun:Italic:size=9 xos = xos4\ Terminus:size=14;0 nerd = TerminessTTF Nerd Font:size=12;0 nerdsym = Symbols Nerd Font:size=12 [colors] light-red = #D95B5B light-green = #249824 light-purple = #A44BA0 menucol-yellow = #F7F272 menucol-blue = #1771F1 menucol-orange = #FFAF60 menucol-red = #F85C50 menucol-green = #77BD8B menucol-sealine = #00CF91 menucol-purple = #9A76B3 menucol-pink = #FF77BF menucol-deepblue = #6560FF menucol-lightblue = #60FFF7 menucol-peagreen = #30C154 menucol-eth = #ADD8E6 orangebby = #ddcc4738 fav-purple = #6633FF uwu-purple = #000B1E uwutp-purple = #dd000B1E blackbaby = #dd0f0f0f dark = #111 dark-red = #311 dark-green = #131 dark-purple = #201134 light = #eee gray = #999 dark-gray = #333 mainbg = #c9000000 oldmainbg = #212121 [scripts] weatherz = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/weatherz.sh weatherj = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/weatherj.sh nvidiatemps = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/nvidiatemps.sh mediaplyer = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/player.sh popupcalendar = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/popup-calendar.sh gamemoderun = ~/.config/polybar/Scripts/gmr.sh [bar/main] enable-ipc = true override-redirect = false monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP-1} fixed-center = true bottom = false width = 6% height = 20px offset-y = 0 offset-x = 0 padding = 0 background = ${colors.mainbg} foreground = ${colors.light} line-color = ${colors.light-purple} line-size = 3 ;separator = " | " ;List of fonts font-0 = ${fonts.opensansreg} font-1 = ${fonts.opensanssemibold} font-2 = ${fonts.opensansbold} font-3 = ${fonts.opensansital} font-4 = ${fonts.xos} font-5 = ${fonts.nerd} font-6 = ${fonts.opensansboldhigh} wm-restack = bspwm modules-left = bspwm ;modules-center = mediaplayer media ;modules-right = layout memory memoryswap cpu popup-calendar pulse [bar/main2] enable-ipc = true override-redirect = false monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP-1} background = ${colors.mainbg} foreground = ${colors.light} line-color = ${colors.light-purple} line-size = 3 font-0 = ${fonts.opensansreg} font-1 = ${fonts.opensanssemibold} font-2 = ${fonts.opensansbold} font-3 = ${fonts.opensansital} font-4 = ${fonts.xos} font-5 = ${fonts.nerd} font-6 = ${fonts.opensansboldhigh} wm-restack = bspwm bottom = false width = 70% ;65.5% height = 20px offset-y = 0 ;+5 offset-x = 6% padding = 0 fixed-center = true modules-left = weatherj weatherz modules-center = mediaplayer media modules-right = nvidiatemps [bar/main3] enable-ipc = true override-redirect = false monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP-1} background = ${colors.mainbg} foreground = ${colors.light} line-color = ${colors.light-purple} line-size = 3 font-0 = ${fonts.opensansreg} font-1 = ${fonts.opensanssemibold} font-2 = ${fonts.opensansbold} font-3 = ${fonts.opensansital} font-4 = ${fonts.xos} font-5 = ${fonts.nerd} font-6 = ${fonts.opensansboldhigh} wm-restack = bspwm bottom = false width = 24% height = 20px offset-y = 0 ;+5 offset-x = 76% padding = 0 fixed-center = false tray-position = right tray-padding = 0 tray-offset-x = 0 ;145 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-detached = false modules-left = modules-center = modules-right = gmr updates layout memory memoryswap cpu popup-calendar [bar/secondary] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-0} enable-ipc = true override-redirect = false bottom = false width = 100% height = 20px offset-y = 0 ;+5 offset-x = 0 ;+8 background = ${colors.mainbg} foreground = ${colors.light} line-color = ${colors.light-purple} line-size = 3 ;separator = " | " ;List of fonts font-0 = ${fonts.opensansreg} font-1 = ${fonts.opensanssemibold} font-2 = ${fonts.opensansbold} font-3 = ${fonts.opensansital} font-4 = ${fonts.xos} font-5 = ${fonts.nerd} font-6 = ${fonts.opensansboldhigh} wm-restack = bspwm ;tray-position = right modules-left = bspwm modules-center = modules-right = [bar/third] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP-2} enable-ipc = true override-redirect = false bottom = false width = 100% height = 20px background = ${colors.blackbaby} foreground = ${colors.light} line-color = ${colors.light-purple} line-size = 3 ;separator = " | " ;List of fonts font-0 = ${fonts.opensansreg} font-1 = ${fonts.opensanssemibold} font-2 = ${fonts.opensansbold} font-3 = ${fonts.opensansital} font-4 = ${fonts.xos} font-5 = ${fonts.nerd} font-6 = ${fonts.opensansboldhigh} wm-restack = bspwm tray-position = left modules-left = bspwm modules-center = modules-right = ;weather [module/weatherz] type = custom/script format =